One of the core beliefs at Centennial Theatre is to be present in our community and support others. To that end, we have initiated community service into our program. We are running a food drive to support the Centennial Community Food Shelf in October and throughout all of our shows this year.
To get involved, please drop off your canned or boxed food donation (the shelf-stable food and other needed items list can be found here) on October 19th from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm at the Centennial Performing Arts Center.*
If you are a Centennial Theatre student or parent and would like to volunteer your time, please get with Brandy Eckman at to sign up. We need lots of volunteers to sort and deliver donations to the food shelf.
We are also collecting money to pay off district student lunch debt. We would LOVE to be able to pay off all debt and hope to work toward that. Our current goal is $1000, and we know we’ll be able to help many Centennial families with this amount. You may donate via check or through PayPal.
If you are unable to donate on October 19th from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm, please bring your donations to the Centennial Middle School “An Inconvenient Squirrel” or Centennial High School’s “Marley’s Ghost: An adaptation of Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Eric Webster” during show times. Show times can be found by clicking the links above.
We appreciate all of your help in our community service project. This will be an ongoing drive so please bring a boxed/canned good, or personal hygiene item to any of our shows.

*Each person donating will receive a coupon for one free cookie (not to include Kingdom Baking cookies) at our show or during drop-off day. One coupon per person.